Sunday, August 1, 2010

Big boy bed

So we have made the transition -- Ig is in a big boy bed. A twin so it is a true big boy bed. He slept through the night perfectly last night, did not open the door at all. Naptime today is a little more difficult -- I could hear him playing and he opened the door about 15 minutes in. I lead him back to the bed and left without saying anything. He is still in there sqwauking.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Not much going on

just keeping on keeping on -- not much to report. Things are A-OK. We are heading on vacation in a few weeks -- to San Clemente, baby on the beach on its way.

Iggy is getting more verbal -- language explosion. Plus his daredevil antics. He is a handful. But I love him oodles and boodles.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Such a long time

So looks like I am bad at updating, but things are going well.
Iggy is 20 months old, he is a doll, except when his "monstar" operating system takes over. He is very physical, very active. I sometimes get concerned as he is not verbal, he loves to make animal noises, but real words are rare. We talked with the doctor at the 18 month appointment and he is not concerned, but it is hard not be always be worrying - it comes with being a parent.
He loves his dog, Pounder gets little annoyed at Iggy, but then other times Pounder can't get enough of that kid. It is pretty sweet.
We are back in Utah. I am still clerking at bankruptcy court, its been 10 months. I am starting to think about what to do after I am done - should we stay in Utah, should we go back to Vegas, should I try a firm, should I try and find government? So many possibilities. I guess I should also get my resume updated, but honestly, it is kind of overwhelming.
Here is to hoping I am more consistent with updating this.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

So here I am

trying to avoid doing school work (shocking I know). I find out that my 3 sisters all were much further advanced than I am to do this whole blogging thing before me. Of course its not that surprising considering they have the whole cell phone texting thing down whereas I merely know how to program numbers and make calls on my cell phone (and no it does not have a picture option - it's an old school phone).
Currently I am 8 months pregnant and in my third year of law school - an interesting combination. I moved to Las Vegas about five years ago, originally from Utah - Salt Lake City for my adult life and Bountiful for my youth.
I am married, we have a relationship built on a solid foundation of blackmail - just kidding. We are very nervous to be first time parents, but it's kind of a little late to be backing out of this now. I just keep reminding myself that people have been having kids forever.
We are parents to a little furry - a 10 lb dog named Pounder. Although we did get him from the pound, the name has more to do with our previous dog, Misha, who we always joked was a "beater dog" - like a beater/junker car. So when we got Pounder, we chose the name as kind of a way to remember Misha and to remind us to be thankful for every day we have with Pounder as he could be taken away at any moment.