Thursday, June 3, 2010

Such a long time

So looks like I am bad at updating, but things are going well.
Iggy is 20 months old, he is a doll, except when his "monstar" operating system takes over. He is very physical, very active. I sometimes get concerned as he is not verbal, he loves to make animal noises, but real words are rare. We talked with the doctor at the 18 month appointment and he is not concerned, but it is hard not be always be worrying - it comes with being a parent.
He loves his dog, Pounder gets little annoyed at Iggy, but then other times Pounder can't get enough of that kid. It is pretty sweet.
We are back in Utah. I am still clerking at bankruptcy court, its been 10 months. I am starting to think about what to do after I am done - should we stay in Utah, should we go back to Vegas, should I try a firm, should I try and find government? So many possibilities. I guess I should also get my resume updated, but honestly, it is kind of overwhelming.
Here is to hoping I am more consistent with updating this.

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